Who’s looking out for Merrow’s badgers?

When you think of iconic British mammal species, you may well think of the badger. Distinctive, social animals with awesome digging capability, only the wild boar trumps them as Britain’s current largest land predator. Persecuted by some, beloved by many, badgers hold huge cultural significance in the UK. Their setts can be huge and extend… Continue reading Who’s looking out for Merrow’s badgers?

Guildford’s planners agree to quash own decisions on Urnfield

Last night we received written confirmation that Guildford Borough Council agrees with our assessment that the “deemed discharge” certificates issued to Tormead to enable the Urnfield development work to begin are unlawful and must be quashed. This means our legal challenge to the High Court is uncontested, and so the quashing of three of the… Continue reading Guildford’s planners agree to quash own decisions on Urnfield

Anyone want to play “spot the difference”?

Over the Easter weekend I found myself reluctantly having a spiky conversation with some very long-standing friends whose daughter recently left Tormead. They pedalled out the “Oh, but what about the benefits of the Urnfield development to other schools and the local community” line that has been used by Tormead and County School throughout, with… Continue reading Anyone want to play “spot the difference”?

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